For the GHD Gold S7N261, Max S7N421 & Platinum Plus S8T262 irons.

This is a brand new part, designed by us in the UK and manufactured in China to our specifications.

Yes, I'm afraid everything is made in China these days.

These elements are not sold to the public as each element has to be carefully matched to the circuit board to achieve the correct temperature.

If we can't exactly match the right elements to any given circuit board we will reprogramme the circuit board with our own firmware to achieve the correct temperature.

Please note the use of the correct insulation on the wires and, most importantly, the correct and genuine Pepi H1 fuse as used by GHD on these models.

GHD designed and extensively tested these models with the Pepi H1 fuse fitted and complied with any required safety legislation with their design.

Other repairers have taken it upon themselves to replace the Pepi H1 thermal fuse with cheap cylindrical thermal fuses.

Notice the huge contact area between the thermal fuse and the heating element with the genuine Pepi H1 fuse, this ensures consistant and reliable operation of the thermal fuse in an overheating situation. Consider the tiny contact area between a cylindrical thermal fuse (Picture 2) and the heating element! Do I need to say more?

This is unacceptable and immediately voids the safety compliance attained by GHD, the manufacturer.

Your safety is then compromised and any repairer who fits an incorrect part will likely be liable if any "serious issues" arise in the future.

Whilst such an event is highly unlikely, it is simply not worth taking the risk with customer safety!

These are always in stock for our repairs as required.

Our repair service for the GHD Gold S7N262 and Max S7N421 can be found by clicking HERE

Our repair service for the GHD Platinum+ S8T262 can be found by clicking HERE

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40 Ohm Element with Pepi H1 thermal fuse

40 Ohm Element with thermal fuse
  • Brand: Compatible Part
  • Product Code: 40 Ohm Element with thermal fuse
  • Availability: 2-3 Days
  • Number sold: 0
  • 40.00


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